Cheyenna; Childcare Internship in Sydney

Cheyenna is from Limburg in the south of The Netherlands. Her dad came to Australia a few years ago and since then has convinced her that it is one of the best places in the world.

My home city: Limburgis famous for: carnaval!
When I was young I wanted to: be an archaeologist
I chose Australia because: my dad went to Australia and told me amazing stories since then it was my dream to go there too.
My impression of Australia before I arrived: I imagined it to be a very hot,beautiful place with relaxed people and I am not disappointed!
One thing I have learnt about Australia that I didn’t know before: I learnt more about the Jewish culture because my host family is Jewish. I learnt that Sydney is expensive :-p what I also learnt is that Australia is not always as warm as I thought haha
One thing I want to do before I leave Australia:ย  is diving, surf camp, diving with sharks and meet lots of new people
If I could live anywhere in the world, I’d choose: I am not sure yet. First I want to discover the other countries but I am sure I prefer a place very warm with lots of beaches!
Best advice I have been given is: to go to Australia
My worst job was: Butchery
Destination of your next trip: America
Australia described in one word: amazing

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