Stine; Communications Marketing Internship in Sydney

Stine is from Denmark and she is currently in Sydney, Australia completing a Communications and Marketing internship at a Travel Company;

My home city is: Sรธnderborgis famous for: being the 23rd biggest town in Denmark, ‘famous’ might be stretching it a bit, but it’s nice and chill with a beach and the woods and stuff.
Growing up I wanted to be a:author or private detective (I read an awful lot of Agatha Christie, Sherlock Holmes, Enid Blyton and the like), but didn’t end up pursuing any of those traits. Now I guess I just wanna be happy #clichealert
I chose Australia because: It seemed the fastest way to blow out my savings. Or like, being an English-speaking country with slightly better climate and nature than Denmark contributed to the decision as well.
My impression of Australia before I arrived: Vast, and everything can kill you. Pretty accurate, I’d say
One thing I have learnt about Australia: THE LACK OF INDOOR INSULATION! 15 degrees outside? Sure, sweatshirt and light jacket. But 15 degrees inside?! I’ll just be here under the blankets, waiting to die, or alternatively the arrival of Summer
Before I leave Australia I want to: …go to New Zealand? :p I’ve already ticked off a few Australian bucket list items (Uluru, hug a kolala (
If I could live anywhere it would be: I spent four years in Barcelona and it was great, but home is Denmark
Best advice I have been given is: My go to phrase is ‘would I rather regret doing it, or regret not doing it?’ (goes great with ‘buying’ as well, by the way #hoarderlyfe)
My worst job was: #clichealert, but I feel most jobs are a learning experience and making money isn’t necessarily always fun. However, as I dislike talking on the phone, my callcenter job was probably not a very good fit.
Destination of my next trip: Somewhere in Australia. Or New Zealand.
Australia described in one word: Koalatastic!


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