Nanna; Tourism Internship in Sydney

Nanna is from Copenhagen, Denmark and is currently in Sydney completing a tourism internship. We love her reasoning for completing an internship in Australia…Good Decision!

My home city: Copenhagen is famous for: the many bikes, Nyhavn and being the capital of the happiest country in the world
When I was young I wanted to: be a nurse
I chose Australia because: I really wanted to experience Australia to the fullest, so I thought it was perfect to do my internship here, instead of just going here on a 2-3 weeks vacation
My impression of Australia before I arrived: Warm, dangerous animals, nice people, desert and surfers everywhere
One thing I have learnt about Australia that I didn’t know before: is the meat pies are really good!
One thing I want to do before I leave Australia:ย  is visit Uluru
If I could live anywhere in the world, I’d choose: Greece
The best advice I have been given is: Follow your dreams even though it might not be the straightest road
Destination of your next trip: Hopefully Portugal or Cuba
Australia described in one word: Diverse

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