Felicia; Media Communications

Felicia is completing a 3 month internship in media communications at a rental accommodation company based in Sydney. She is from The Netherlands and has fallen in love with Australia. All she needs to do to make her down under experience complete is take a selfie with a kangaroo;

My home city: Amsterdam is famous for: the traditional Canal Houses, the Red Light District and partying!
I chose Australia: because of the great climate, great beaches and great environment
When I was young I wanted to be: a dolphin trainer
My impression of Australia before I arrived:  was that it’s very safe and peaceful country, with a strong economy and friendly people
Something I learnt about Australia is: the landscape, beaches and views are priceless
One thing I want to do before I leave Australia: is take a selfie with a kangaroo and learn how to Surf!
If I could live anywhere in the world I’d choose:  Australia!
Best advice I have been given: is you can, You should, And if you are brave enough to start, You will
My worst job was: working at a pancake Restaurant
My next trip will be to:….haven’t decided yet
Australia described in one word: Irreplaceable

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