Eva; Marketing Internship in Sydney

Eva is from Germany and completing her Marketing internship in Sydney with a tourism organisation. Possibly the best photo we have been sent all year;

My home city: Augsburg Is famous for: the ‘Augsburger Puppenkiste’
When I was young I wanted to be: an astronaut
I chose Australia because: it is so big and because here are so many people from so many different nations.
My impression of Australia before I arrived: was that it is like paradise; always sunny and hot.
One thing that I have learnt about Australia that I didn’t know before is: that it is actually not always hot and sunny (at least in Sydney, where I stay) and that there can also be a lot of rain :). Basically, it has been raining most of the time since I arrived
One thing I want to do before I leave Australia: is diving at the Great Barrier Reef.
If I could like anywhere in the world, I’d choose: honestly, it would be Augsburg. I really love travelling and seeing places but what I love more are my family and my friends and they are in Germany.
Best advice I have been given is: to always bring sunscreen and an umbrella
My worst job was: carrying out magazines.
My next trip will be: to Cairns
Australia described in one word: Stunning

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