Bettina; Analytics Internship in Sydney

Bettina is from Denmark and currently completing an internship in business analytics & data analytics. During her time in Australia she has found out that “Everything is actually trying to kill you” ๐Ÿ™‚ :

My home city: Aalborg is famous for: it’s waterfront
When I was young I wanted to: work internationally in politics or lobbying. I have always had a passion for working within the field of climate chance and sustainability.
I chose Australia because: of stories told by friends who visited Australia.
My impression of Australia before I arrived: was a diverse country, a warm country – both the weather and peoples hearts. In Denmark, Aalborg I would never be able to travel and explore like I can here In Sydney. People are so welcoming and you will are never feel alone
One thing I have learnt about Australia that I didn’t know before: Everything is actually trying to kill you. I thought this was a European joke.
One thing I want to do before I leave Australia:ย  is see the blue mountains and dive in the great barrier reef.
If I could live anywhere in the world, I’d choose: South-East Asia or Australia.
Best advice I have been given is: Never stop. There is always a new adventure around the corner.
Destination of your next trip: After my internship I have a trip to Singapore, Bangkok and New Delhi booked.
Australia described in one word: Lavish

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