Aakash; eCommerce Internship in Sydney

Aakash is from India, and currently completing an internship in Australia. Although he is enjoying his internship, it sounds like he has grown to love ‘casual Fridays’ as well:

My home city is: New Delhi is famous for: Indian food and 16th century monuments
When I was young I wanted to: be an Engineer
My impression of Australia before I arrived: was a beautiful place with lots of beaches and Kangaroos
One thing I have learnt about Australia that I didn’t know before: is that Fridays are so much fun with beer
Before I leave Australia, I want to: visit great beaches and mountains
If I could live anywhere it would have to be: Seattle
Best advice I have been given is: to look into Internship Down Under
My next trip will be to: North America
Australia described in one word: incredible


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