Laura; Marketing Internship

Laura arrived in Sydney in December for her 3 month marketing internship which has almost come to an end. She has a love of travelling and will explore New Zealand in the coming months. You can hear all about her internship experience here;

My home city: Hannover is famous for: the fair but I love the annual Maschsee festival
I chose Australia: because I had never been to Australia before and it seemed like a great place to visit
My impression of Australia before I arrived: was the easy lifestyle and that all people are so open minded
One thing I want to do before I leave Australia: is travel as much as I can to see more of the country
If I could live anywhere in the world I’d choose:  well; I prefer the weather and the lifestyle down under but I couldn’t stay so far away from my friends and family. I will definitely stay in Germany but I like to travel to many other places
Best advice I have been given: TRAVEL!
My next trip will be to: New Zealand
Australia described in one word: TimeOfYourLife!!

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