Enes; Recruitment Internship in Sydney

Enes is from brilliant Berlin. He is currently completing a recruitment internship in Sydney, Australia. During his time here Enes has been introduced to Vegemite; some would argue, but we think it’s delicious!

My home city: Berlin is famous for: the TV-Tower ( Fernsehturm), Brandenburger Tor and the Wall from 1989 etc
When I was young I wanted to: work in a bank
I chose Australia because: before I started my Internship I studied one Semester here in Australia (Gold Coast) and I love this Country. I chose Australia because it is a beautiful & amazing country!
My impression of Australia before I arrived: Sunny and hot! and of course the koalas and kangaroos
One thing I have learnt about Australia that I didn’t know before: Vegemite!!!!
One thing I want to do before I leave Australia:  is to discover the outback while sleeping under the stars. I also want to dive with the great white sharks.
If I could live anywhere in the world, I’d choose: Sydney. It’s an awesome city.
The best advice I have been given is: Swim the ocean
Destination of your next trip: Tasmania
Australia described in one word: Cheers

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